Fix Your Credit Today-8 Easy Ways To Raise Your Credit Score

In recent years, living with bad credit in the United States has become almost impossible. Bad credit makes many things expensive and thus may make your life more difficult. Therefore, it is essential to improve your credit score as this would make you qualify for better terms in the market and lower interest rates.

Your credit score is used to assess your financial health, and lenders use it to understand how responsible you are with credit. It is thus essential to improve your credit, and in return, improve your credit score.

One question frequently asked by people who have a poor credit score is how they can fix their credit on their own. It is easy to fall for a scam promising to fix your credit overnight. There is no overnight credit fix; Follow already laid down steps to fix your credit and, in return, improve your credit score. If you want to create your credit or improve a poor credit score, do it yourself.

What About Credit Repair Companies?

In recent years, many newly formed credit repair companies have been promising people they can fix their credit in a short period. Still, there is nothing these companies can do to fix your credit that you can’t do without hiring these professionals.

Save your money and the stress of finding and hiring these companies. Start fixing your credit yourself. While improving your credit on your own and solving that problem, you have time to gain more financial knowledge. The gained financial knowledge can help you avoid making the same mistakes that had previously affected your credit score.

What is the Fastest Way to Fix Your Credit?

Recently, people have been more interested in processes that will solve their problems as fast as possible. As indicated earlier, there are set steps that make this process of repairing your credit fast and smooth, and thus you can enjoy having a good credit score. Below are eight steps you can follow to fix your credit in the shortest time possible.

There are three main bureaus in the United States: TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian. These bureaus should give you a free copy of your credit report every year.

Regularly Review Your Credit Report for any Errors

Your credit score is determined by the data found in these reports, and it is essential to check what is helping or crippling your credit score. In addition, these reports may have errors that may negatively affect your credit score. If you find a mistake in any report, communicate with the bureau that processed it and have it fixed.

You should contact the company who reported the wrong information and correct their error as it will help you fix your credit. The bureaus have about 30 days to investigate any errors in your report. They have to respond to you within five days after the investigation and the error correction. Rectifying any inaccuracies in your credit is one of the essential and easy steps to fix your credit and improve your credit score.

Fix Your Payment History

Your payment history is one major component that may affect your credit score either positively or negatively. Missed or late payments will negatively affect your credit score. This information of either missed or late payments will remain in your credit report and may affect your score for seven to ten years. Your credit score considers the size of your missed or late payment and the timing of the debt.

Enormous debts and recently missed payments are the ones that adversely affect your credit score. Thus, to fix your credit, you need to make sure you pay at least the minimum debts on your credit card every month to avoid an accumulation of bad debts on your credit score.

Automatic Payments

However, if you have difficulty remembering payment deadlines, you should always set a reminder a few days before the payment due date. You may have a hard time clearing your debts because of some unavoidable circumstances, and thus you may need to communicate with your creditors about the issue.

You may change the debt payment day and push it further to a time you can pay off the debt, or set up a personalized payment plan. In addition, you can set automatic payment for your bills and debts, and thus you don’t need to remember the payment date. Fixing your payment history is another critical step to fix your credit and improve your credit score.

Pay Your Debts

Another model used by the bureaus is taking your credit utilizing rate into account. This rate compares the amount of credit you have and the total amount of credit you use.
This sum is calculated by taking your revolving debt and dividing it by total credit available to you, then multiplied by 100 to get a percentage.

To fix your credit, you need to keep your credit utilization rate as low as possible because high credit utilization rates affect your credit score. According to experts, keeping your credit utilization rate below 30% is essential for a better credit score.

Limit Your Rate of Applying For New Credit

There are two main types of inquiries known to all credit cards: hard and soft inquiries. Soft inquiries include checking your credit for personal reasons or giving your employer permission to check your credit.

In addition, these soft inquiries may comprise of credit account reviews by different financial institutions or credit card companies before sending you new credit offers. However, soft inquiries don’t negatively affect your credit account and score.

Hard Inquiries & Your Credit Score

The hard inquiries may negatively affect your credit account and affect your credit score for almost two years. Hard inquiries include applying for another credit, mortgage, new credit card, and an auto loan. Banks and other financial institutions may misinterpret your inquiry that you need more money because you are facing a financial crisis and you need more money.

Thus you are a significant risk to these institutions. To fix your credit, avoid making hard inquiries and applying for new credit for a while.

Keep Old Credit Card Accounts Open

Many people close their credit card accounts immediately after paying them. However, this should not be the case if you are trying to fix your credit. Old credit offers you a long credit history, which may make up to 15% of your credit score. Lenders are more attracted to people who have old credit and because they understand all the credit requirements, unlike people who have recent credit accounts.

In addition, closing an old credit account while you have unsettled balances on your new one may increase your credit utilization rate above 30% and lower your available credit. Closing these old credit accounts could take some points from your credit score.

Use Credit Monitoring Tools Available

There are many credit monitoring services available to you that you can adopt and check how your credit score changes. Most of these services are free and make it easy for you to monitor your credit account report changes, like new accounts and old and paid off accounts.

They give you your credit score from at least one bureau updated at the end of every month. These monitoring services can also help you prevent fraud and data theft, besides helping you fix your credit and improving credit score.

Use Secured Credit Cards

If you are trying to fix your credit to improve your credit score and have taken all the above steps, but still your score is not where you expect it, try using a secured credit card. With this kind of card, you deposit money with your bank, especially the one that gave you the card, and it serves as the collateral for your card.

Financial institutions will use the deposited money to determine and set your credit limit. Because of their security, these cards are easy to for compared to other credit card types.

All that you need to do to improve your credit score while using this secured card is to ensure you keep up with all the required payments. You may automate the payment procedure to avoid inconveniences or forgetting to make the payment on time.

What are The Best Secured Credit Cards?

All of these cards have different benefits, so you’ll want to find the one that best suits your needs. For example, the Capital One Secured Mastercard has no annual fee and a lower APR than most other secured cards. The Discover it Secured Credit Card gives you cash back on all purchases, which is a great perk. And the Wells Fargo Secured Visa credit card offers a $200 initial deposit bonus. So be sure to compare the different benefits before deciding on a card.

Do I Build Credit Slower With a Secured Card?

Whether or not you build credit slower with a secured card depends on the issuer. Some report to all three major credit bureaus, while others only report as required by state law. In some cases, your score may take a small hit when moving from an unsecured card to a secured one because of the additional inquiry into your credit history that is triggered by opening another account.

However, it should have little impact over time and shouldn’t prevent you from getting other cards in the future if you follow good financial practices such as making payments on time and keeping low balances relative to your overall limit. If possible, try applying for an unsecured card before going for a secured one – this will help you maintain or even improve your credit score.

How Can You Get a Secured Credit Card?

The best way to get a secured credit card is by applying directly through the issuer’s website. However, there are also some third-party websites that allow you to compare offers from multiple issuers. Just be sure to do your research before applying, as not all of these sites are reputable. And remember, it’s important to read the terms and conditions carefully before signing up for any card.

So if you’re looking for a secure way to build or rebuild your credit history, one of the top five secured cards listed above is definitely a good place to start. Be sure to compare the different benefits offered by each card in order to find the one that best suits your needs.

Consolidate All Your Debts

If you are trying to fix your credit and have several outstanding debts, it would be better to consolidate them and pay them as a single loan. When you have one payment to make, you reduce the chances of forgetting to pay and making late payments, which improves your credit score.

In addition, debt consolidation gives you room for negotiation with the financial institution, and you can request them to lower the interest rates of the loan, and thus you can be able to pay it on time.

Once you follow the above steps, you will already have accomplished your goal of fixing your credit and improving your credit score. It is thus vital to ensure you track your credit account and avoid using more time and resources to fix your credit accounts again.