Credit Score

The 10 Best Ways To Improve Your Credit Score Quickly

Good credit can open up the doors for all sorts of things. It can allow you to buy your dream house, rent the perfect apartment or even buy that sports car that you’ve been wanting. More importantly, a good credit score is needed for things such as getting a better insurance rate and getting the lowest interest rates.

If your credit score isn’t as great as you’d like it to be, there are some ways that you can improve it that don’t take a lot of time. Here are the best and easiest ways to improve your credit score quickly.

What is a Credit Score and What is it Used For?

As a consumer, one of the things that will help you make large purchases at reasonable terms is a good credit score. Your credit score is a numerical rating that determines your trustworthiness in paying debts and other financial obligations in a timely manner.

Lenders, retailers and insurance companies evaluate your credit rating in order to determine the interest rate that you will need to pay when receiving a loan. Anytime you finance something, the credit rating will play a role in determining the total cost.

As a result, it is very important that you get and maintain a good credit rating so that you can more easily afford things such as housing and transportation.

Credit is Essential for Your Finances

Whenever you are looking to finance something such as a house or a car, lenders will check your credit. They use this score to determine the likelihood that you will make payments on the loan on time. When a lender evaluates your credit score, they base it on a number of things such as the amount of credit accounts you have open and how often you pay bills on time.

Lenders also evaluate your credit rating based on the number of credit accounts you have open and how long you have had them available.

What Do The Numbers Mean?

The credit score is compiled in a certain number, which ranges between 300 and 850. Those who have credit ratings between 300 and 600 are rated as below average and are therefore likely to get high interest rates and require a higher down payment for large purchases.

Consumers who have a credit rating between 700 and 850 have good or excellent credit. As a result, they will get a very low interest rate. As a consumer, it is important to have a high credit rating so that you get the lowest interest rates and maximize your buying power for things such as houses and cars.

Your Credit is Used For Many Important Things

The credit rating is necessary to complete a number of significant financial transactions in your everyday life. One of the things that your credit rating is used for is to get an insurance policy. If you are looking to get auto insurance, the company will evaluate your credit rating in order to determine your premiums.

A high credit score will get you the best rates while a low score my result in paying higher premiums for your auto insurance policy.

When You Purchase a Home

When you decide to purchase a home, lenders will check your credit to find out what interest rate you will qualify for. This will also determine your monthly mortgage payment as well as how much you will need to put down in order to buy the home. There are home loans available that will qualify you with a score of only 650.

Buying a home is not so far out of reach once you understand your credit score. So your credit score is essential for many major purchases that you will make during your lifetime.

Financing Auto Purchases

Another thing that your credit rating is used for is to finance auto purchases. Whenever you decide to buy or lease a car, a lender will look at your credit to find out what rate you will qualify for. Once they determine your credit rating, they will then charge you an interest rate as well as your overall monthly payment.

When you decide to purchase a home, lenders will check your credit to find out what interest rate you will qualify for. This will also determine your monthly mortgage payment as well as how much you will need to put down in order to buy the home. So your credit rating is essential for many major purchases that you will make during your lifetime.

Lower The Utilization On Your Credit Cards

If you are looking for a quick way to improve your score, you may need to lower your credit utilization. Many people don’t realize that the utilization on their credit cards is 30% of their overall score. What this means is that lowering their utilization is a quick way to raise it.

It’s best to aim for a utilization of less than 10%. For example, if your credit limit is only $100, you want to leave a balance of less than $10 on your card.

Don’t Pay Off Cards Completely

You don’t want to pay off your cards completely as it is important to show that you are still using your cards. Use your cards as much as you want, but you do need to pay them down before the statement date. The amount of money you owe that’s reported on your statement is the same amount of money that will be reported to the credit bureaus.

Ask For Your Credit To Be Increased

If you are looking for a different way to lower your credit utilization and improve your score, you should request a credit limit increase on your cards. This process is fairly quick, and most credit card companies will give you an answer right away.

In fact, you may be able to request an increase online. It won’t hurt your score even if they decline your request. Most companies allow credit increase requests once every six month.

Open Up A New Credit Card

Many individuals are able to improve their credit score just by simply opening up a new credit card. By opening up a new card it will decrease their overall credit utilization across all of their cards. For those that don’t have great credit and may have a difficult time getting approved for a credit card, they may have success with being approved for a secured credit card.


How it works is that they will need to use some of their own money as a deposit that they borrow against. For example, if they have a $200 deposit, then their credit limit will be $200. If they are responsible with their card, some credit card companies may even refund their deposit and give them a standard credit card that is unsecured.

Have Errors Fixed

It actually isn’t all that uncommon for there to be errors on a credit report. Because of this, it’s a good idea to check it at least once a year to make sure that everything on it is accurate. If there are errors on your report, it could be bringing your score down quite a bit. The process to fix these errors usually is quick.

There may be things on your credit report such as an incorrect balance or an old account that shouldn’t even be on there. You will need to contact each credit bureau to dispute these items. If they find that your dispute is valid, they will fix each error, and you may see a quick jump to your score.

Become An Authorized User On Someone Else’s Card

If you know someone who has good credit and won’t mind helping you out, you might want to consider asking them to become an authorized user on one of their credit cards. It will allow you to see a quick jump in your credit score.

You don’t even need to use their card or access their account to reap the benefits of being an authorized user. Just make sure that this person makes all of their payments on time and they have a low utilization. By becoming an authorized user on someone else’s card, you can reap the benefits of their good credit habits.

Your payment history makes up 35% of your total credit score. Even just one late payment can bring it down drastically. In fact, it can take about two years for your credit score to bounce back after missing a payment.

Make All Of Your Payments On Time to Improve Credit Score

Make sure that you make all of your credit-related payments on time every single month. If you are having trouble remembering when all of your bills are due, you should put them on auto-draft. This will allow these payments to automatically be paid each month, and you won’t have to worry about forgetting to pay them.

Have Different Types Of Accounts

By having a variety of different types of credit accounts that are in good standing, you will demonstrate to others that you know how to manage your credit in a responsible way. This will actually bring up your score.

It’s a good idea to have a mix of things like credit cards, car loans and a mortgage. Once you pay off a loan, it can stay on your credit report for 7-10 years. As long as you paid all of your payments on time, it will continue to have a positive impact on your score.

Sign Up For A Loan That Will Build Credit Score

There are all sorts of credit builder loans available that will offer a quick boost to an individual’s score. How they work is that the individual makes a payment every single month for a certain number of months. These payments go into a CD, and the payments are reported to the credit bureaus.

After all of the payments have been satisfied, the individuals will receive the balance of the CD minus any administrative fees that they need to pay. This is a great way for individuals to raise their score, as the monthly payments are usually less than $50. They also allow the individual to save some money, all while increasing their score at the same time.

Get Negative Items Removed

A lot of people end up not paying a bill and having a charge-off on their credit report. If you have a negative item, you can improve your credit score by paying these items. It’s also a good idea to try to see if they will delete the item off of your credit report once you have paid it.

Many companies are now offering this as it entices individuals to pay old debts. By having these negative items removed, it can greatly improve an individual’s score.


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